The Daily Planner by Lavendaire is a 184-page undated, daily planner to help you design a productive, effective & meaningful day.
Each page of the planner guides you to set your intentions for the day, organize your to-do’s, prioritize self care habits, and celebrate the day with gratitude, featuring 184 unique inspirational quotes on each page.
How to use the Daily Planner:
The planner is UNDATED. You can use it any day of the year, whenever you feel called to design your day with a little more intention. If you forget to use it one day, you can pick it up the next day guilt-free – no missed days, no wasted paper like in dated planners.
- Today I Want to Feel / Today’s Focus – Set intentions of how you want to feel & the area of life you’d like to focus on for the day
- Most Important Tasks – If you could only accomplish three tasks and be satisfied with your day, what would those tasks be?
- To Do – List other tasks you’d like to get done today.
- Self Care – List positive habits or activities you’d like to incorporate into your day.
- Notes – Write down any notes to self or reminders for the day.
- I’m Grateful For – Reflect on what you’re grateful for from the day.
- Today’s Wins – List highlights or accomplishments you’re proud of from the day.
The message of the "Create Today" Planner:
Create a beautiful day (full of intention) & create something beautiful today (whether it's something tangible or simply a feeling of joy). How will you create today?